Praise God for our risen Christ! What a privilege and joy to be able to celebrate the Easter season with the children of RCC. We looked forward to this celebration as we practiced songs the month prior to Palm Sunday. When the day arrived, we had approximately 60 children waving palm branches and ribbon sticks as we marched into worship singing, Oh Praise Him. We followed this with an enthusiastic version of Halleluiah, Praise Ye the Lord, with the help of the whole congregation.
This Sunday our kids will be shopping at the Promisemart Store. We only have one more shopping day after this one and then the store will close for the summer. We have many kids memorizing their verses and bringing their bibles. Thank you parents, for the extra time it takes to work on this with your child. I pray God blesses your children as His Word is hidden in their hearts.
Since summer will be here before we know it, I want to inform you that we plan to have only one service for Promiseland this summer. Due to vacations, in years past, we have not had enough kids for us to have both services. I would also like to give the teachers a well deserved break. So, for the months of June, July, and August, we will only have Promiseland and Guardian Angels the 2nd service. We will still have both nurseries for both services. If this presents a problem for anyone, please contact me and we will discuss it.
I t has been suggested that I make available the names of my Promiseland Ministry Team members, in case I am not available, you may talk to any of them with your suggestions or concerns. They are Stephanie Stout, Kelly Blanchard, Dana Teefey, and Margie Story. We meet monthly and they help with all of the plans and decisions we make for the Children’s Ministry here at RCC. They are invaluable to me and I wouldn’t want to lead this ministry without them.
In the month of April our 3 to 5yr. children have celebrated Easter and heard it was a true story that can be found in the Bible. They learned that Jesus is the King, Jesus is alive, and He is always with us. They will hear the story of Paul and Silas praying in prison and the story of Peter’s friends praying while Peter was in jail. Kids will learn that we can pray to Jesus anywhere and anytime.
Our K-1st grade will use the concepts of ‘The Wordless Book’ to help kids understand the Gospel message. Creative teaching methods are used to teach kids the story of Zacchaeus, the parable of the lost sheep, the story of Easter, and the salvation message. Each week children will gain a better understanding of the pieces of God’s plan for us to become Jesus’ “Forever Friends” and spend eternity as part of His family with Him in heaven. Children will see the concepts of heaven, sin, love, forgiveness, and growth illustrated through the stories of Zacchaeus and the lost sheep. They will have a chance to participate in the telling of the death and resurrection of Jesus on Easter. Then they will learn in a very clear and kid friendly way how the same concepts of “The Wordless Book” can become part of their story, if they choose to follow Jesus.
Taking a look at Jesus’ last days here on earth, the 2nd-3rd grade will be taken through the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter’s betrayal, and Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and ascension. The final lesson will be the Salvation Message where children will have the opportunity to ask Jesus to be their Forever Friend.
The 4th-5th grade kids will explore the key events around Jesus’ last few days here on earth. Kids will vividly see the reason Jesus came to earth and what He has done for the world. The Last Supper teaches kids about remembering Jesus through communion. The Last Day teaches kids about obeying God through the hard times. The Last Word teaches kids about accepting, believing, and choosing Jesus as their Savior. Three Days Later teaches kids about Jesus’ resurrection and looking forward to His return.
Bless you and your family, this month, as you grow in your knowledge of God and His plan for your lives.
Dar Muehlhausen