Happy Spring and what better way to celebrate new birth than by celebrating the death and resurrection of our Lord like we have the past two Sundays! What a joy it was to watch the Promiseland kids raise palm branches in celebration of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and helping lead worship with the song We Fall Down. My joy continued on Easter as the kids were involved, in each of their classes, by participating in the drama of the Easter Story. It is a privilege to be part of a ministry that gives me the opportunity to witness kids actively learning about Jesus and all He did for them.
This Sunday our kids will be shopping in the Promisemart Store so don’t forget their Bible Bucks. We have started filling new shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child with some of the purchases they make from the store.
Don’t forget to place June 22-25 on your calendars for VBS EVEREST. It will be only four days this year but still the same time, 6:00 – 8:30 pm.
Our 3-5yr kids this month will hear about how Jesus died and rose again after three days. Next, the story of Jesus helping His friends catch fish and eating breakfast with them. They will learn Jesus is always with us, and they can choose to trust and obey Him, even though they can’t see Him. The last lesson will be about how Jesus’ friends started the first church and helped each other.
Becoming members of the Sinbusters Club is what is happing in the K-1st room this month. The purpose of the Sinbusters Club is to give kids a safe and fun place to discover what sin is, what God thinks of our sin, and how we can bust or resist sin. Kids will learn, as Sinbusters, their responsibility is to bust sin whenever they recognize it in their own lives. As they do this, they are working toward making right choices to please God with their behavior. The sins they will learn about busting are unwholesome talk, stealing, dishonesty, and disobedience. Lastly, they will learn Jesus took the punishment for all our sins when He died on the cross.
The 2nd-3rd graders are finishing up their Cross Training with a lesson on Forgiving vs. Not Forgiving. They will learn God hates it when we don’t forgive, and He wants us to forgive others. They will learn this through the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant. Next, the kids will be learning about the Holy Spirit. They will hear that Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to be a helper for us. He helps us by guiding us and teaching us. His primary way of guiding us is through the Bible. The kids will learn the Holy Spirit helps us to remember what the Bible says. Also He helps us because He never leaves us and we can ask Him to help us to do what is right. They will have the opportunity to explore situations where they can ask Him for guidance and strength, because He is our Ultimate Helper.
Finishing up with the Armor of God, the 4th-5th grade will hear about the Shoes of the Gospel of Peace and how they equip them to share the Gospel. Next, they will move to the unit called Learning to Shine. Here they will learn that believers are the light of the world. If they are following Jesus, they have His light inside of them and need to shine their light in our dark world so others will come to know God. Each week kids will learn in order to shine they must overcome obstacles that prevent them from shining. First, they will be taught to overcome their fears and set an example by living life the way Jesus teaches in the Bible. Next, they will hear how to match their actions with their faith.
Serving Him together,