Wow, it’s hard to believe we are winding down from Summer already! It has been a nice break for us in Promiseland by having only one teaching time this summer. As we look forward to September, we have many changes coming. Sometimes I feel all we do down here is make changes, but I guess that is inevitable as we continue to grow as a church.
Our first change will be to two services starting August 22. This will not be Promotion Sunday because our Promiseland curriculum does not begin until the first Sunday in September. At this time, our children will move up to their new classes. If your child has turned two by September 5 he or she will go to the 2 year class. If your child has turned 3-5 years by then, he or she will go to the 3-5 year class. The same will be true for the other grades K-5th. The only time children will move up to another class will be on Promotion Sunday each Fall. This does not apply to the Infant Nursery, since we let the parents discern when their child is ready to fend for themselves in the Walker Nursery. We are too large now for children to be changing classes throughout the year.
On September 5, Promiseland will be teaching identical former Discovery Hour curriculum for both services, but with different teachers. If for some reason your child will be here for both services, you are welcome to have them in Promiseland again or have them in the services upstairs. We will provide activity bags each Sunday for those who might choose to be upstairs. Also, in between services all parents need to pick up their children for the 30-minute break in between services.
Thanks for hanging in there with us as we make all these changes.
Serving Him,
Dar Muehlhausen