Another reminder to parents about your child’s mission project:
They are about $30 away from completing their mission adventure. Their goal is $160. Please keep encouraging them to bring their gifts on Sunday morning.
This month, our 3-to-5-year-olds will hear, in Discovery Hour, stories of Jesus’ unconditional love for everyone, including them, through the stories of: Jesus welcoming the little children, Jesus healing two blind men, and the Good Samaritan. They also will learn about the widow who gave her last two coins to God.
In our K-through-3rd-grade class, the focus will be on the miracles Jesus did early in His ministry. Through the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand, children will learn Jesus can use and bless whatever they give to Him – their time, their money, or things they are good at. Then children will hear about the time when Jesus and Peter walked on the water. This story will help them understand Jesus is always with them, so rather than “sinking into fear” they can turn to Jesus and trust Him when they are afraid. The next story is of Jesus healing the paralytic man whose friends lowered him to Jesus through the roof. Children will learn Jesus wants them to tell others about Him and they will spend time talking about how to invite their friends to come to church with them. Children will then hear about the miracles Jesus did when He heals ten people with leprosy. They will learn that only one of the ten said “Thank you” to Jesus and will talk about the fact that Jesus is good and they can be thankful.
4th-and-5th-graders will focus on the teachings of Jesus through parables. The parable of the wedding feast teaches humility. The parable of the rich fool teaches about greed. The parable of the wise and foolish men teaches the wisdom of building our lives on Jesus’ teaching. The parable of the lost son teaches the wonder of God’s unconditional love, grace, and forgiveness. Each of these parables becomes relevant to the 4th-and-5th-graders as they are presented in modern day scenarios.
Did you know? “Parents who were devoted to volunteerism and attended weekly worship with their children were correlated with having teens who were 40% less likely to be sexually active compared to the national average.” (Institute of Marriage and Family Canada) Wow! I expect a lot of calls from parents this week to volunteer for children’s ministry.
Dar Muehlhausen