It’s snowing again as I write this article. As a matter of fact, I am snowed in at my house! I love snow and usually never get tired of it, but I think I might have to reconsider this year. Our Vacation Bible School Curriculum arrived this week, but I’m not sure how to get excited about summer VBS with this much snow on the ground!
Let’s not forget about the skating night we have planned for Sunday, February 13, at 5:15 at Great Skates. Hopefully the snow won’t keep us from having fun together as we skate and eat Arni’s Pizza. If you haven’t signed up, that is fine, come anyways.
I haven’t had any feedback on service projects for your children to participate in. If this is important to you as parents, please let me know and share any ideas you might have. I’d like to plan on a project every quarter.
This month in our 3-5yr class, the children will hear miraculous stories from Jesus’ life that show He can do anything! They will relive the times when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, healed a centurion’s servant, stilled a storm, and gave sight to blind Bartimaeus.
In the Winter Quarter of the K-3rd grade class, the children will be learning that we are like sheep, and we need Jesus, our Good Shepherd. Throughout the unit, the children will learn different characteristics of sheep and shepherds. They will find out that like sheep, we are sometimes afraid, and the Good Shepherd knows how to comfort and care for us. They will learn the difference between needs and wants, and they will hear that the Good Shepherd meets our needs. They will learn that like sheep, we go astray, and Jesus sets limits and gives us guidance. Lastly, the salvation message will be shared as they learn the Good Shepherd laid down His life for us, His sheep.
Our 4th-5th graders will learn about spiritual gifts and how they are used to serve and build up the Church. Kids will learn that the Holy Spirit gives gifts to Christians. They will learn about some of the spiritual gifts, and how each gift is vital to the growth, health, and welfare of the church.
Thanks for letting us partner with you on your child’s faith journey.
Dar Muehlhausen