Hi parents, I don’t have much news for you this month except we have had a large number of kidos in Promiseland for the month of January. We are averaging 70 to 80 in the combined hours. So…. if it seems a little hectic down here, it is!!! What a good problem to have. God continues to bless us with more and more children. Our teachers and helpers are great so please pray for them. It is a huge commitment to serve month after month joyfully like they do.
Mark your calendars for February 12 at 5:15 for our Riverside Skate Night. The cost will be $2.50 for skate rental and $3.50 for pizza and a drink. RCC will cover the rink rental again. It is an evening for the whole family and friends to do something fun together.
This month our 3-5yr. children will hear stories of Jesus’ unconditional love for everyone, including them, through the stories of Jesus welcoming the little children, Jesus helping two blind men, and the Good Samaritan.
The K-1st grade class curriculum focuses on the miracles Jesus did early on in His ministry. Through the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000, children will learn that Jesus can use and bless whatever they give to Him—their time, money, or things they are good at. Then children will hear about time when Jesus and Peter walked on the water. This story will help them understand that Jesus is always with them so rather than “sinking into fear,” they can turn to Jesus and trust Him when they are afraid. The next story is of Jesus healing the paralytic man whose friends lowered him to Jesus through the roof. Children will learn that Jesus wants them to tell others about Him, and they will spend time talking about how to invite their friends to come to church with them. Children will then hear about the miracle Jesus did when He healed ten people with leprosy, They will learn that only one of the ten said” thank you” to Jesus, and will talk about the fact that Jesus is good and they can be thankful.
The purpose of Mission Unstoppable for the 2nd-3rd graders is to teach that Jesus had an unstoppable mission to save the world. Kids will learn the disciples carried on this mission by telling others about Jesus, and if we become followers of Jesus, we can still carry on Jesus’’ mission today. This unit is based on Mission: Impossible, with codes to crack and missions to accomplish. It begins with Jesus calling the twelve disciples, followed by a look at Jesus’ love, Jesus’ power, and the importance of prayer.
The teaching of Jesus through the parables will be the theme for the 4th-5th grade. The Parable of the Wedding Feast teaches humility. The Parable of the Rich Fool teaches about greed. The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Men teaches the wisdom of building our lives on Jesus’ teaching. The Parable of the Lost Son teaches the wonder of God’s unconditional love, grace, and forgiveness. Each of these parables becomes relevant to 4th-5th Graders today as they are presented in modern day scenarios.
My prayer for you as families is to have a safe and Christ centered month.
Dar Muehlhausen
Children’s Director