Halleluiah! We have almost made it through the school year once again. The kids in Promiseland (PL) are finishing up in their classes learning to be more like Jesus so they can make a difference in the world. We have celebrated as five kids made commitments to follow Christ for the first time and for the boldness all the kids are exhibiting as they pray together in class each Sunday.
Throughout the Summer months, we will continue to collect money each Sunday for Bekelu, our Ethiopia boy that we help financially. We send $35 a month to help on his living and educational expenses.
Like last Summer we will go to one service in PL. It will be the 2nd service since that is when the Jr and Sr high meet each Sunday. The kids will be watching Bible DVDs, memorizing the books of the Bible and practice looking up verses in their Bibles. Please make sure they bring their own Bibles so they will get familiar with them.
We hope to see all of the kids at VBS this July 8-12. Our theme is Kingdom Rock, Where Kids Stand Strong for God. We will have more information for you May 19 in the service and an on line sign up soon.
We want to encourage you to keep praying with your children at home. If you don’t have one of our Biblical Virtues cards to pray with your kids, they are located at the check in table in PL along with other prayer cards for you to take and use.
It has been a pleasure to have your children each Sunday and to partner with you in their spiritual journeys. Have a great summer.
Dar Muehlhausen