Parents, for over a year, I’ve been trying to think of ways for our older PL children to serve others. Becky does a great job providing ways for our older kids to serve and I feel the younger kids need to be given the opportunity to do the same. The PL Ministry Team came up with some suggestions, such as, making cookies for the Jubilee Christmas, helping sort food at a food pantry, doing some type of activity with the kids at the Women’s Shelter, and helping in some manner with the elderly in our church or in the community. We would welcome other ideas and volunteers to coordinate some of the activities. Our thought is to do something monthly or at least several times a year. As of now, we will start with making cookies for the Jubilee Christmas. We will have sign up sheets at the check-in table in Promiseland soon.
Don’t forget to put December 19th on your calendar for the PL Christmas musical and neighborhood caroling. I hope all the kids who have parts in the musical are busy memorizing their scripts. It will be a great program and a fun night of fellowship.
During the last month of the Fall Quarter in our 3-5yr class, children will hear how God works in the lives of His people through the stories of God hearing Hannah’s prayer, God anointing David as king, God taking care of Elijah, and God healing Naaman after the little servant girl helped him.
Our K-3rd grade class will learn about various “Friends of God” from the Old Testament, and look at how those people grew in their friendships with God. They will learn that friends of God grow through having the courage to do what is right, by serving God and others with their talents, by telling others about God, and by keeping their word to others. The medium of art will be used in both Large and Small groups to teach these lessons. By learning about these Old Testament Friends of God, children will learn how to grow in their own friendships with God.
In the last unit for fall, the 4th and 5th graders will focus on the Grace “G” that teaches kids how to become contagious Christians and extend the message of Grace. They will learn that lost people matter to God and they should matter to us, too. In order to reach out to their lost friends, kids will discover and practice ways to help their friends develop a friendship with God. They will learn how to creatively reach out and build a friendship, tell their story, share the story of Jesus, and set a Christ-like example.
Serving Him Together,
Dar Muehlhausen