Greetings from the busy hall of Promiseland. I thought since our calendar year is quickly coming to an end it would be fun to share with you, some important spiritual growth moments we have experienced in PL in 2012.
- We had four kids give their lives to Christ.
- Around 40 kids memorized the Lord’s Prayer.
- We filled 5 shoe boxes from their Promisemart purchases to send to needy kids for Christmas.
- Supported Bekula, our Ethiopia child, for another year through weekly offerings.
- And gave $250 to House of Hope, an orphanage in China, from weekly offerings.
We understand none of these things can happen without the support and participation of you as parents, so we thank you and pray God continues to bless your families as you grow in His likeness.
Some of your children might have told you already, they have been pulled out of their rooms on Sunday morning, as we are working on our Children’s Christmas Event already. It will look a little different this year, but please plan to attend and put it on your calendars now. It will take place December 16 at 4:30 and will be an interactive family celebration of Christ birth!
Thank you for those who have intentionally come to the 1st service to help out with the over crowding in our rooms, the second service. It has been better in the 3-5yr. room but not the 2nd 3rd room yet. Please pray for those of us who have to make decisions based on our rapid growth in Children’s Ministry. God has blessed us and we are certain He will provide for our needs.
This last unit in our Fall curriculum, children in the 3-5yr. room, will hear how God works in the lives of His people through the stories of God anointing David as king, God taking care of Elijah, and God healing Naaman after the little servant girl helped him. Thanksgiving weekend will be a lesson on “Thankfulness”.
Our k-1st grade kids will continue to grow in their understanding of God and His purposes by hearing three stories from the Old Testament and then reviewing all the lessons of the quarter. Kids will learn about the characteristics of three friends of God: David and Jonathan’s friendship, the poor widow’s generosity, and Esther’s courage. Then kids will be challenged to think about how they can be a good friend, share with others, and ask God for courage to do the right thing. In the last lesson of the unit, children will review all three units of the quarter: the Bible, the Psalms, and friends of God.
Friends of God are the focus of this last unit in the 2nd-3rd grade. Kids will learn about various “Friends of God” from the Old Testament, and look at how those people grew in their friendships with God. They will learn that friends of God grow through having the courage to do what is right, by serving God and others with their talents, by telling others about God, and by keeping their word to others. Different types of art will be used to teach these lessons. By learning about these Old Testament Friends of God, children will learn how to grow in their own friendships with God.
Grace is the focus of the 4th-5th grade teaching in November. They will learn lost people matter to God and they should matter to us, too. In order to reach out to their lost friends, kids will discover and practice ways to help their friends develop a friendship with God. They will learn how to creatively reach out and build a friendship, tell their story, share the story of Jesus, and set a Christ-like example.
Serving Him with you,
Dar Muehlhausen