Now that school is in full swing, we have some reminders for Promiseland parents.
September 13th is Promotion and Bible Presentation Sunday. The children will be in the worship service until the offering. If your child is being promoted, please be sure your child knows to which room he will go. 1st-graders and 2-year-olds will be receiving a Bible during the service. If you have not yet notified the office about your child receiving one, please do so now.
Because of the greater number of people in the service now, after September 13 Promiseland children will not be upstairs for the singing portion of worship; instead, they will come directly to Promiseland when you arrive for the 10:15 church service. We will have a combined worship time for them in Promiseland. I hope this isn’t too confusing, but, as God continues to bless us with numerical growth, we have to make adjustments. If you have any questions, call me, Dar Muehlhausen, 426-1200, or e-mail me, [email protected].
Our Discovery Hour 3-to-5-year-olds are beginning the fall quarter learning the foundations for studying Scripture. They will learn the Bible is the best book. They will discover the Bible tells us about God, that Jesus loves everyone, and and to obey, and that all its words are true.
Our Discovery Hour K-to-3rd-grades will take an Old Testament journey. As they begin to “look at the pieces” of God’s story, they will hear the Creation Story and God’s desire to have us care for His Creation and the story of Noah, which will challenge children to obey God even when it is hard. Next, they will look at the era of the Patriarchs, beginning with Abram and his nephew, Lot. God called Abram to leave his home and Abram went, even though he didn’t know where God was leading. Next, they will hear two stories about Joseph. The first tells about Joseph’s betrayal by his brothers and his slavery in Egypt. It teaches the children about trust. The second story of Joseph teaches what happened to Joseph in Egypt and his desire to forgive his brothers. Children will be challenged to forgive.
Our Discovery Hour 4th-and 5th-grades will begin a sequential journey through the Bible. It will dive into the “heart” issues reflected in some of the earliest stories in Genesis. Through the story of Cain and Able, we will look at what it means to have an Undivided Heart towards God. Abraham models for us an Obedient Heart as he is willing to give up his promised son. Finally, through the lives of Jacob and Esau, we will discover what it means to have a Trusting Heart, even when things seem unfair.
I know as the school year begins families’ schedules will get busy, but I challenge you as parents to take one or two minutes to pray with your children each morning before you send them off to school. What a comfort for you and your child, no matter what age, to know that God has been called upon to protect and bless them throughout their day away from home.
“The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”
Psalm 145:18