We started June off with an appreciation picnic for Promiseland volunteers. About thirty-five of us gathered at a Happy Hollow shelter for dinner, games, and fun fellowship. It looked like rain all day, but, as usual, God was good and held off the rain until we were done. Everyone left with full tummies and Sand Art Brownies in a jar.
This month in Discovery Hour, the 3-to-5-year-olds will learn what true friendship means through the stories of Ruth and Naomi, David and Jonathan, Jesus and His disciples, and Paul and Silas. We hope no one was alarmed last month if you looked out the window on Sunday morning and saw 3-to-5-year-olds marching around with shields and noisemakers. … That was Miss Brenda’s class trying to make the Jericho walls fall down.
K-through-5th-graders will continue to learn what it is like to be “flipt” by following Jesus. This month’s topics are: 1) Jesus loves everyone and we can love people who are different than us, 2) following and obeying Jesus is more important than anything else, 3) Jesus forgave and He wants us to forgive others, 4) Jesus wants us to stand up for what is right.
Did you know?
Before viewing documentation from a year-long study of children’s spirituality, 45% surveyed thought children needed to be 6 years or older to establish “a meaningful relationship with God.” After viewing documented examples that detailed young children’s spirituality and thoughts about faith, that number dropped to 17%.
(Source: Christian Education Journal)