That’s Norwegian for “Thank you”
It is eleven o’clock Thursday Evening and while my body is tired, my heart is so full, I cannot go to bed without tipping it over and sharing some of the overflow. VBS is finished. Four glorious days of the sights and sounds and smells of Norway! God is Good. Always. Every where. When Life changes, when life is scary, when life is sad, and when life is good. God is Good.
As the cruise director of this giant VBS ship I receive a lot of “thank you’s” from parents of wound up kids. They are kind. But the truth is, I play such a small part. Megan doing VBS by herself would be… lame. And potentially disastrous. There are so many people who made this week amazing. To those people I say thank you.
So many people. People who made food and donated and gathered supplies, people who built houses and hung snowflakes. People who set up tables, people who tore down tables. People who made sure every kid could hear and people who made technology work seamlessly. People who washed dishes, people who taught, who shepherded, who assigned crews and greeted kids when they walked in the door, who moved blankets and hauled buckets, people who sang and danced and acted like fools. People who photographed those people singing and dancing and acting like fools. People who worked all day and then came to VBS and worked some more. People who passed out high fives, and smiles, hugs and band-aids. People who sweated. People who prayed. People who loved kids so beautifully that their faces and their hearts lit up like sunshine.
People who blessed me personally making sure my kid was fed. Brought me food, and coffee, prayed with me and for me, and talked me down off the ledge. To all of you I say “thank you”. Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. (Philippians 1:3). You are my “God Sighting”. I could go on and on. But it is late and you would all grow tired of reading. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and hinder them not.” And in Isaiah it says “Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.” All of you who gave took part in raising up every valley, lowering every hill, and leveling the rough ground so that seventy-some kids could be in the presence of Jesus. Thank you. Thank you Thank you. My prayer is that you will someday see the fruit of your labor and that God will return to you tenfold what you so willingly gave Him of your time, talents, energy, and resources.