If you have been a part of our church family for any length of time you have probably heard the Children’s Ministry referred to as Promiseland. The name came from the curriculum we used during Sunday School. It’s a great curriculum, but as you probably heard we are changing this year. And with a new curriculum comes a need for a new name. A name that reflects us, and what we strive to accomplish in the Children’s Program. Which begs, the questions, what ARE we trying to accomplish in children’s ministry? Essentially, the same thing we are trying to accomplish everywhere else.
“To glorify God by becoming disciples of Jesus Christ…” You can read more about Riverside’s mission here.
In Children’s Ministry we are seeking to raise up a new generation to know God through his son Jesus by the revelation of His word and to strive to follow and serve Him (i.e. be a disciple).
Now we could call ourselves, Riverside Kids Ministry, and we just might. But we thought that we would pick the brains of the Riverside family at large for creative suggestions and ideas. We want a name that reflects who we are, and what we are trying to do: make disciples.
Talk amongst yourselves, I will give you a topic to discuss. Riverside Kids Ministry, what shall we call it? Discuss.
Then, send us your suggestions… Post them here in the comments sections. Submit them to Riverside’s facebook page, email Megan Mills mmills@rcovenant.org, or hand deliver them downstairs on Sunday. You could even send them via United States Postal Service, if you wanted. After you explain to your kids how to write a letter. Which, speaking of kids, you don’t have to have kids to submit ideas, and you can submit ideas if you ARE a kid (you should definitely run it by your parents first).
But don’t wait too long, We must have all of the suggestions by SUNDAY August 2. That’s only a week and a half away! But you needed something to talk about during that long car ride on your family vacation, any way. So discuss! Brainstorm! Make Venn Diagrams! Whatever floats your boat! Just share your ideas.
And, if we choose your idea, you’ll win a prize!! There also might be other prizes available for, let’s say, most suggestions made by a family unit, or something like that! Send us your ideas!
Mrs. Grove says
DiscipleMakers- “Hey, Mom, I’m going down to DiscipleMakers.”
That’s all I got for now. I need a Flat White and I’ll get back to you when the wheels start churning 😉
Tina says
Disciples in Training sounds like a good name.