Hello Riverside Family.
You may have heard this Sunday is Youth Sunday. Who’s excited?! This girl! I also want to announce that we have decided to make this Sunday a Family Worship Sunday. Downstairs in RiverKids we teach kids that they can follow Jesus now. They don’t have to wait until they are all grown up before God can use them. They can follow Him, love Him, and serve Him now.
Youth Sunday is a great way to SHOW kids what we mean. We believe it is important to allow kids to see that God has a place for them in worship. Also, those young kids really look up to the older kids, and we think it’s important for those young kids to see those older kids serving Jesus.
So what does this mean? It means, no RiverKids this week. As always there will be nursery available for anyone who would like. It means you should pick up an activity bag for your kids as you come into the sanctuary. It means you should take a deep breath and relax. It doesn’t mean you should stay home. Trust me, you are not going to want to miss the great stuff happening on Youth Sunday.
It also means that next week May 22 will be the last week RiverKids before we start our summer schedule. What will our summer schedule be? We’ll let you know next week! We can’t give away all of the surprises at once! Stay tuned for more information. As always feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Onward and Upward!
Megan Mills
Children’s Discipleship Director