Saturday morning, December 4th, the women of Riverside enjoyed a beautiful time of worship, fellowship, reflection and fun. We began our morning braving a little snow and slick roads to get to Dar Muehlhausen’s house.
Thirty women met and feasted on homemade biscuits, quiche, brownies, fresh fruit and all sorts of yummy brunch dishes. It was so nice to pull up a chair and visit over a warm beverage and look out on God’s beautiful creation.
We followed our breakfast with my favorite Christmas activity – carols and bells. Megan Mills and Becky Wellner led us in a few classic Christmas carols and we played hand bells ‘til our ears rang and our cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
Sandy Waninger spoke to a now quiet room about the importance of the Christmas star. Her talk was Spirit-led, heartfelt and a great way to get in the right mindset for the holiday bustle.
Our morning wrapped up with Stephanie Brennan getting our hands dirty making applesauce and cinnamon Christmas ornaments. I’m told the whole house smelled marvelous (but a stuffed up nose kept me from experiencing it first hand). If you weren’t able to make it this year, go ahead and mark your calendar for the first Saturday in December 2011 – you won’t want to miss another Women’s Christmas Brunch….unless you’re a man. 😉