I just signed my kids up for the summer reading club at the library and now I have the pleasure of letting the women of Riverside – and their friends – know about their own summer reading opportunities. So, pick up your book(s) at the table by the sound booth, find a cozy place to read and curl up with a few good reads!
1) If you missed the first week of our summer Bible study, it’s not too late to join. Our summer session is a laid-back opportunity to study God’s word and read a good book while you’re at it. On Wednesday nights, we’ll meet to discuss Work in Progress: An Unfinished Woman’s Guide to Grace by Kristin Armstrong. The location rotates so contact Megan Mills or Gretchen Shook with any questions. June 9th Anne Custer is hosting the discussion at 6 p.m. but the rest of the summer, Bible study will begin at 7 p.m. This group will NOT meet June 23, 30 or July 28.
2) Our first Book Club selection is The Castaway Kid by R.B. Mitchell. Rob Mitchell was in an orphanage from the time he was three and this book chronicles his life growing into manhood and in the knowledge of God. His autobiography offers insights on prayer, relationships and life. We will meet Wednesday, June 30, 6:30 p.m. at the home of Sharon Fearnot, 1311 E. 500 North, West Lafayette.
3) The Last Sin Eater by Francine Rivers promises interesting discussion, so read the book and bring all your insights and questions with you on Wednesday, July 28. Location TBA. Stay Tuned.
All Books are $12 each.
I’d be happy to answer all questions and comments!
Brenda Fassnacht, Director of Women’s Ministry, bfassnacht@rcovenant.org or 807-5500 .