Riverside ladies! Our next women’s Bible study kicks off in just under a week! We are doing a five week study on prayer through the month of April. Each week we will have a different woman from Riverside teach on a different type/aspect of prayer. There is no book, as the teachers will be bringing in their own experience and teaching from the Lord.
There are two options of when you can join us. We will have a Thursday evening meeting, from 7:00-9:00, and a Friday morning meeting, from 9:15-11:15. There will be childcare available for the Friday study. Our first meeting will be on Thursday, April 2nd, and Friday, April 3rd.
Whether you’ve been coming to Riverside women’s studies since their conception, or you’ve never been to one in your life, would you consider joining us for this study?
If you plan on joining us, please either email Katrina Elliott at kelliott@rcovenant.org, or check the box on the white tear-off sheet from the bulletin on Sunday, and indicate which study you will be attending and if you need childcare.
Looking forward to going deeper with you in fellowship and deeper with the Lord in prayer!