We’re heading to Camp Tecumseh Leadership Center September 16-18 (Friday through Sunday) for our women’s retreat. We’ve added an extra day and can’t wait to make good use of it. Come relax your body, refresh your mind and reinvigorate your spiritual walk.
This year, instead of one speaker, we will be hearing from four. All of them have a connection to Riverside and hearts for God.
Cristy Arvin was born and raised in the West Lafayette area. She is actively involved with the Lafayette Great Banquet & Awakening communities. She was baptized at the age of 11 and has been attending church since she was three. Her parents, Randy & Linda Bogan are members of Riverside. She has one older sibling, Wes, who is married to Heather and they have two sons. In her spare time she enjoys sports, yoga, playing the piano, cooking and spending time with family. She has been married to her husband Kory for more than two years and enjoys learning new things about marriage everyday. They reside in South Lafayette and both commute to work in Remington and Monticello, respectively. With an impending move to Monticello, Indiana in the forecast, Cristy and Kory have been visiting several different churches in the Monticello area, as well as in Lafayette.
Sharon Richards is the mother of Sarah Clark. Sharon was born and raised in a small town in Illinois, until she met her husband, Steven, and started moving around. They have been married for 42 years resulting in three children, 11 grandchildren, two Great Danes, and an assorted number of cats. Sharon taught elementary school for 29 years but is now enjoying retirement. She spends time reading, gardening, and babysitting for her grandchildren. Although raised in the Catholic church, she is now a member of Calvary Baptist Church in West Lafayette. Even at 64 years “young”, she has learned that each day brings new challenges and a stronger reliance on Christ and His working in her life.
Anna Sledd was born in the Cumberland Gap of Tennessee and has lived in the Lafayette, Indiana area for more than 32 years. When she was younger, she was blessed to be mentored by two older sisters in Christ at her church, The Lord was preparing her for His ministry at that time. Since then she has been blessed to have served as Director of the Women’s Ministry in which she was involved, has led several women’s bible studies and has taught Women’s Sunday School classes. She has been happily married to her husband Sam for more than 32 years. Their son Nate is currently attending Purdue University. Anna formerly attended Riverside, but she and Sam currently worship at the Elston Family Church.
Melissa White is a friend of Becky Wellner.
Joyce Ayers, our worship leader, was a mentor to Brenda Fassnacht. Joyce lives in Kokomo, Indiana where she teaches 4th grade at Kokomo Christian School. Joyce sings in the Celebration Choir at the Kokomo First Church of the Nazarene. She is a member of the Sunday morning worship team and has sung solos over the years for various concert events. Coming from a musical family of ten, she grew up singing with her siblings at church revivals. She has been married to her husband, Lowell, for 33 years. They have three sons and one daughter-in-law. As a young child and through her mother’s invitation, she accepted Jesus as her Savior and has thus been serving Him all of her life.
Cost for the full weekend is $128. Payment plans are available through the office ([email protected]). You can sign up right this second. If you can’t come for the whole weekend or need on-site childcare for a nursing baby ($20 fee), talk to Brenda Fassnacht, Women’s Ministry Director ([email protected]).
Psalm 107:1-3
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story—
those he redeemed from the hand of the foe,
those he gathered from the lands,
from east and west, from north and south.