Every couple months Riverside’s leadership updates Riverside on our facilities discernment process. It is important that we keep everyone updated as we move through this discernment process together.
It is also important to remember that our facility is not our ministry, but a tool through which we do our ministry. Our mission is clear: follow Jesus, share life, and transform the world. Our facilities discernment process is built around asking whether a different facility tool might help us live this mission more powerfully in our community.
We provided our last update live at our Semi-Annual All Church Gathering and Meeting this past summer. You can find a history of our other updates and discussions indexed below.
This year we hired ArKor Architects and Engineers to help us design a potential new facility that would meet Riverside’s current needs and help us to more effectively impact our community for the Gospel. Over the past few months Riverside’s Leadership Team and Staff have met many times with ArKor to discuss our current facility needs and to discuss what a new facility might enable God to do through us in Tippecanoe County and beyond. ArKor has put together some draft floor plans and is helping Riverside to complete site work on the property we own at the corner of Klondike and the new Cumberland Avenue in West Lafayette. (click here to see a map)
Our goal is to present all of the information that we have accumulated and ArKor’s draft plans to the congregation at our Semi-Annual All Church Gathering and Meeting on Sunday, January 18. We will then have a period of prayer and congregational discernment as we seek God’s guidance together.
No decisions have been made to build a new building, but this information will help us determine the cost to build if we choose together to move in that direction. No final decisions will be made without congregational conversations and discernment. We continue to examine all available options, including existing facilities or other church buildings. We also always appreciate any ideas or input you may have. You can email the Riverside Leadership Team directly at lt@rcovenant.org.
We covet your prayers and ideas and will continue to keep you informed as we discern God’s will together.
In Christ,
Riverside Leadership Team
Amy Fisher, Chuck Moeschberger, Stan Hickman, Dan Teefey, Linda Bogan, Diane Kelley, and Everette Mills
Facilities Update History
April 24, 2014
December 4, 2013
August 28, 2013
January 31, 2013
August 15, 2010
August 5, 2010