In an effort to live out one of our Mission Markers, “Sacrificial and generous living and giving,” the Leadership Team is sharing the Treasurer’s Report each month. The report is presented at each Leadership Team meeting, reporting on the previous month’s financial status. This report provides a quick overview of Riverside’s financial health and where we stand compared to historic averages. The Treasurer’s Report is attached as a PDF. We will also publish the chart, Cash Months on Hand, separately since it provides the best illustration of our current position.
Your financial contributions through Riverside are making a significant impact on our community and world. Just this past month your generosity purchased discipleship materials for Riverside’s youth, supported two church plants, fed homeless, provided continuing education for staff, and much much more. Your generosity matters. Thank you!
Although our overall giving is slightly above our giving at this time last year, our 2015-2016 budget is considerably higher than last year’s budget. Our new budget allows us to hire new staff and to increase our impact, but we are currently falling behind the income we need to meet this new budget. In the short term we are asking staff and ministries to ensure that non essential expenses are avoided if at all possible. We will continue to update the congregation on our budget position as it changes.
Treasurers Report September 2015
If you have any questions about our budget, expenses, or desire more information on how the church utilizes your gifts, please contact Everette Mills ( or 765-532-2460).